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Little Known Useful and Fun LED Light Bulb Facts

Many people think of LEDs as expensive bulbs or don’t understand what a LED Light even is. What they do not know is it has many features on top of being a thrifty light source. For one, LEDs do less environmental harm than the common incandescent light bulb. According to research, this absence of mercury is one of the reasons why people need to support this product. It is not harmful to humans and it does not have harmful effects on the environment once thrown away. And as a bonus, about 95% of all LEDs are recyclable so nothing goes to waste. Consider some little known fun facts about the LED light bulb.

The Lighting Lasts A Really Long Time

LEDs can last anywhere between 12 to 22 years. So can you imagine if you had a baby right now? He will be in high school or college before your LED goes off. In fact, LEDs last up to 25 times longer than the common light bulbs and CFLs. If you install an LED light in your baby’s room now, it will still be there by the time he is a grown-up.

It Has A Name

Another one of the fun facts about this light bulb is that LED stands for Light Emitting Diodes. These bulbs produce light but not in the same efficiency as a common light bulb. A common light bulb will eat electricity but only converts 10% of that electricity into light. The other 90% is wasted energy. An LED, however, converts 100% of the energy into light which is why the uses of LED are endless.

LEDs Can Save So Much Power

Studies show that if LEDs were used enough, they can save 348 TWh of electrical power in 15 years. Just for some perspective, this amount of power is enough to power 44 large electrical power plants. In terms of money, this cost-savings amounts to a whopping $30 billion.

They Are Everywhere

Here’s another one of the awesome facts about this light bulb: LEDs are known to be resistant to fracture. They require little upkeep and have a single directional light focus. Because of these characteristics, they are used and the uses of LED are almost everywhere, from traffic lights to televisions. They are also used in most stores that sell food. Studies show that LED lights reduce bacterial breeding compared to CFLs and incandescent light bulbs.

LEDs Reduce Bug Infestation

Every night, you wonder why bugs keep flying around your incandescent light bulb. Installing LEDs will keep the bugs away. The reason being is that other light sources emit too much ultraviolet light or infrared radiation. These two things are like an inviting crack to bugs. They get attracted to these. The use of LEDs will reduce, if not completely eliminate these pesky critters so install some LED light strips to your patio or outdoor areas.

They Are Cool

LEDs are cool to touch, unlike incandescent bulbs that can torch you. LEDs reach only 140 degrees Fahrenheit so you can touch them and not get burned. Light bulbs, on the other hand, can reach up to 700 degrees. This temperature can barbecue your fingers and surely, you can get up to second-degree burns from touching them.

LEDs Can Cure

Scientists have been studying the effects of light in outer space as far as healing is concerned. They found out that LEDs have a healing effect. This is why health workers are now working with light therapy with the use of LEDs. This is most especially used on babies with jaundice. This does not have the risk of the baby getting infrared radiation and there are no fatal risks of increasing the baby’s body temperature making this one of the best LED light bulb facts.

They Do Not Shatter

There is this thing called thermal shock. When this happens, your typical light bulb can shatter to pieces without warning. So it is basically like an exploding grenade with shrapnel. An LED bulb cannot be so severely damaged so much as to burst like a light bulb. They do not shatter like CFL. If a CFL or incandescent bulb shatters and you get hit, you need to go to a hospital to get treated not only for physical wounds but for mercury contamination too

Contact a lighting professional or electrical contractor to find out more about the benefits of using LED lights for your office or home or more facts about this light bulb. Start saving energy and money now by purchasing LED light strips!

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